has anyone seen this show? ITS SO horrible!!!!! I watched it last night because i couldnt actually belive it was a real TV, i thought someone was pulling my leg.

basically, its a beauty pagent. doesnt sound so horrible huh? its gets worse. they choose like 50 unattractive women called "ugly duckings" and put them through extensive plastic surgery,put them in an exersize program, emotional therapy, and so on all to become beautiful, aka, "the swan". they are not allowed to have any outside contact and have no acess to mirrors untill they;ve totally transformed themsleves.

I think its such a load of bulls***. sorry. It got me so upset. the people who made this show are very sick individuals. I feel so sorry for the girls that are being put through this? can you imagine going three months without seeing yourself and then boom, your a completely different looking person? *shudders* i don't think its right. I still can't belive they are doing this.