Hey Everyone, my name is Kahlea (cuh lay uh). I'm 21 and this will be my first year being married . All I can say is wow! My prayers are truly anwered. I thought I was the only one that suffers from emetophobia.
I remember having the fear of seeing, hearing, or smelling vomit at the age of 8. Sometimed all these horrific senses makes my heart beat really fast, I sweat wanting to faint, and at times I'd wanna puke too. The time I realized my fear was getting bad was at the age of 12. I remember on a car ride to a restaurant, my brother vomited in his lap right next to me. I went bizzerk by unbuckling my seat belt and jumped right in the back of the trunk plugging my ears and crying. To my family they were confused but to me it was like a horrifying nightmare. This psychological fear is like a burden to me. It's embarrassing and I feel like nobody understands me. To them it's normal and I believe they see me as over reactive and ridiculous. I feel so helpless because it stops me from doing what I love the most which is helping others. Because of my fear, I cannot become a nurse or a dental assistant (which I studied to be). What can I do and where should I start? Thank you to all for reading this