Hey guys, hope all is well overall.

I'm back home for the weekend as part of fall break at the university I go to, so I decided to visit a friend I hadn't seen in a while. She moved away our sophomore year in high school and I would only see her maybe once or twice a month on average since then. She called me yesterday saying she wasn't feeling well and that she had a fever and the chills...

I immediately thought, "Maybe I should stay home." But, I decided to go see her anyway because we don't meet up often and I wanted to be there for her if she wasn't feeling well. So, I pushed through it, had an amazing time, and she is feeling alot better now .

I am so proud of myself, because that took ALOT to not just panic and spend the entire night at home, in my room, wondering if she was okay, and scared I was gonna catch it. I am still a little worried that I might come down with something, but she said she didn't feel nauseous so that helped quell my fears significantly. Especially seeing as I kept asking her if she was feeling nauseous the entire time I was there lol.

All in all, I just wanted to make a positive post because I have a feeling a few panic threads are in my future as flu season is just around the corner...