Has anybody else given this a go? I'm just curious because I haven't read about anyone trying it on here. If no one has, I shall share my experience with it.

First off, the CD is pretty inexpensive at twenty dollars. It was made by a woman who was at one point completely agoraphobic and worked through it herself. There's a lot of awesome information in there.

THIS has been my holy grail. She may not be emet, but boy does this woman know fear. AND IBS.

I was at my wits end one day, after a staggering month of panic attack after panic attack day in and day out. I was thinking about suicide. Somehow I remembered owning this after buying it and forgetting about it and I went home after walking down the street with my mom for the seventh time that day and listened to it as a last ditch effort. If it didn't work I knew my next step was an institution or the hospital because I was underweight. I refused to eat.

I don't know if she's just that good or if I was just so receptive to the information because I was desperate....but I have not had a full blown panic attack SINCE. Anxiety, yes. Full blown panic where I just KNOW I'm going to go crazy and that I'm going to be sick and then I'm going to drop dead....has not happened. THIS was almost a year ago now.

For those of you at your wits end with little money to spend, this might be something to try. If you listen and believe her, it WILL help, I am confident. Maybe not cure, but it might help get to the root of your anxiety, help you organize your priorities, and give you a place to start with getting yourself at least pointed towards enjoying your life again.

As I am still frustrated by my phobia, though not constantly tormented by it, I have purchased the Emetophobia Recovery Program in hopes that this shall be the final nail in the emetophobia coffin. I have not read through it all yet, but it makes sense so far, and I have high hopes for it.