My name is Rachel. I'm only 19 years old but I can always remember having emetophobia. I asked my family and they said the same, they've always remembered me having it. It wasn't set off by a certain traumatic experience involving vomit. It's just ALWAYS been there.
I do not so much have a fear of myself throwing up as I do OTHERS doing it. Although I won't take any medication given to me by doctors because I'm scared to feel nauseous from it. I try to stay away from people who have been drinking because it makes me too nervous. If a friend or family member tells me they don't feel good I will not speak to them or be around them at all for at least a day. I get nauseous at least 10 times per day and it upsets me very much. I RARELY actually get sick and vomit. Literally about once every 3 years. But sometimes I get so scared thinking about seeing someone vomit or me getting sick that I don't think I can live another day. I hypervenalate when I see someone throw up or gag, even hearing it is horrible. I cry uncontrollably. People do NOT understand it at all. They think I'm just exaggerating but I can't help it. I'd LOVE to be able to not care about it but my life revolves around it. I won't go to a university because the only thing I can afford is a dorm and I can't live in a room with someone for fear that they may vomit in front of me. Esp because a lot of people drink at college. I need help. I can't do this anymore. I can't stand being so stressed out and fearful everyday.
I'm currently looking for a doctor to help me with the support of my family. If anyone has seen a doctor for this please let me know how it went for you. Thank you.