Hi everyone... I have never posted threads before and have never really spoken to many people about my annoying phobia.

I guess I just wanted to hear from people that are scared about seeing other people being sick. I hate being sick myself, but luckily I'm not too scared of it. Its more hearing and seeing other people being sick.

Its terrible as now I hate staying at peoples houses for fear that I will wake up during the night and hear someone being sick. If I hear someone being sick, see it on the floor and am around someone feeling really unwell I get really shakey and just want to run away.

Next week I am flying overseas and I am REALLY scared. I just cant help thinking bad thoughts even though people try to tell me to think positivly.. they just creep into my mind. I think I will scream and cause a huge scene if I am around someone on the plane who gets sick... even though I feel very sorry for them.

Any advice would be great or please reply to let me know if your going through the same thing!

Hope we all get over this terrible fear one day x