I am very PMS and felt so nauseated all day. I tried to eat a little, but I was so turned off by food. I went to my boyfriends house and watched a movie, but while I was watching he movie my stomach kept spasming and I kept feeling like it was hard to swallow and if I did swallow, stuff felt like it would come up. My hands were so clammy, and i started to feel feverish. MY temp was 98.1 which was above normal for me, but I reminded myself that my temp goes up near my period. I started to feel as if I was salivating and my panic turned into all all out FREAK OUT. I curled into the fetal position and cried. I was so scared of being sick in my boyfriend's bed/room/house. I told him I wanted to go home. I had him follow me back to my house in his car b/c I had to drive mine back and I was so shakey and blurry eyed. Every time I had to swallow I got real nervous and began to swerve. It was so unsafe for me to drive int hat condition but it's not that far all local rodes too. I got tomy house and instantly felt a good deal better. Once I get to my house and see my parents I usualyl feel better. It's like a great deal of anoixety lifted, I know my mom will be here for me, she is a nurse, and if anything happens she will help me and hold my head if I do get sick and understand illness. I told her I felt nauseus and she said "no you're not" which usually help me feel better, when someone tells me i'm not going to be sick and im not nauseus. I went to the bathroom and plucked my eyebrows and hair on my chin/face for 45 minutes. I also popped or attempted to squeeze any blemish on my face. This is the only thing that makes me feel better and relieves my anciety. After those 45 minutes i felt better. Now im almost hungry but I;m afraid to eat anything. I'm so nervous b/c I have a big test, the only test of the class tomorro and I havent finished reading the entire chapter and cant concentrate!! ARGHHHHH.