Ive been considering going to a therapist and getting put through a program to overcome my emet permanently, but I wonder if it's a necessity for someone who doesn't have severe emetophobia.

My phobia only bothers me when I eat sometimes, go places, and have panic attacks/feel sick. Generally it doesn't actually stop me from doing anything most days, it just makes me nervous and frustrates me. Im obsessive but not entirely avoidant of the things that make me afraid. 80% of the time I'm okay and can handle myself. My only concern is when I relapse, or an extreme relapse if I actually v* some day (meaning I go back to being full blown agoraphobic, germaphobic, cant eat hardly anything or go out ever)

Ive been thinking that improving my diet, sleep habits, and exercise & getting the eraser program everyone's talking about is more practical then a therapist. I want emotional support [from someone who gets whats going on, not fake sympathy] and I want this to be over for good, but if a therapist is going to tell me to expose myself to v* and panic situations and just hold my hand--I can do that on my own. In a way I feel like I should do it on my own.

Any thoughts on what I should do?