BLAH! I was at work yesterday, already coming down with a headcold and
I saw they had donuts in the breakroom so I nabbed one and started
munching on it. Then someone says 'so and so picked through every last
donut...' so I threw the rest of mine away since it had a big moosh
mark (probably from someones FINGER) but I had already eaten most of
it. Then later that same person that supposedly picked through them
said 'im going home now to finish being sick' i said 'why, got a cold?'
she says 'no i dont know what i have ive felt like crap and my stomachs
been out of whack i feel sick all the time lately' im like GREAT. she
knows im a germaphobe too and she just laughed (she doesnt understand,
as most people dont.. they just brush it off..) so I of course was
nervous. I told my boyfriend the story today and he carefully had to
explain to me that its been a long time hes been with me and taken on
my mindset, but that he knows many people DONT think like us and being
sick is nothing at all to them, so they dont think of other people as
much as he and I do. They dont cover their sneeze or wash their hands,
they touch other peoples foods... its no wonder I have gotten three
colds in the last 6 months working with all these people. I am SO
nervous for christmas season when all the stupid people go visiting
family and spreading their sickness to eachother. WHY are people
so ignorant and inconsiderate!? Could anyone explain that to me?

I was thinking today how sad it is that my enjoyment of the holidays is
somewhat ruined because I always associate this time of year with
getting stomach business, so when I think 'holdays/winter' i think
sickness and i feel unhappy and apprehensive. I still feel a little
thrill at the holiday but mostly just fear and sadness now. I wish
someone could fix me and I wish everyone else wasnt so braindead and
not care for others...