I had strep throat and many times I had to breathe through it and try not to panic. I had severely high fevers, stomach pains and a sore throat. There were many times I thought I was going to V** and the panic started to set in. I am now on antibiotics and feeling much better. Those two days were really tough as I did not have any anti nausea medications so I got creative LOL I found some ground ginger in the cupboard and mixed it with hot water and it seemed to work really well. Funny what you'll do to avoid it. I also started looking through my medicine cabinet and came across something that worked really well for the panic attacks. My mom in law gave my husband something called STR-C by Nature's Sunshine. It's an herabal remedy for stress. She gave it to him because he suffers what seem to be panic attacs which he never took because he refuses to believe that herbal medication can help anything but as soon as I took those I felt really calm!! So that helped. I'm wondering if this phobia has anything to do with having too much time on my hands. My phobia started to get worse once I decided to be a stay at home mom and have way too much time to be in my house and think about this. I'm contemplating finding a hobby to keep myself busy. I always loved writing so maybe I'll write something. I've always had a few ideas but always told myself I could never do it and just gave up. Maybe I should try