i'm having a hard time letting my last relationship (if you cancall it that)go. i liked the guy so much and he pretty much used me. he didn't care. now i'm worried i'm letting it get in the way of a new thing happening. i feel like theres not that much chemistry with this new guy, even though i like him...i just keep thinking, 'it's not the same as with (other guy)' i don't know what to do. give him a chance (which i've been doing...i didn't even want to get into a relationship) or give up. i just don't want this past thing to ruin every new thing that could happen. i don't know if i should talk to him and let him know how i'm feeling.

and i'm worried that i don't feel as strongly about this new guy as i did with the last guy and that this will happen forever. i just don't wanna be alone forever, but at the same time i'd rather be alone then deal with all these feelings and being sad all the time.

anyone feel the same? oh and i'm afraid of committment and relationships in general, which is why i say it's easier to be alone.