hi my name's jess and i didn't really know where to post this so i hope here is ok.

anyway, i'm seventeen and i a couple of months i'm going to be moving out of home for the first time and going to university (i'm australian btw). anyway i am so excited about going to uni but i'm starting to stress about how it might affect my emetophobia. i've never suffered as badly as many people here (i love to eat lol, i don't do the compulsive washing/cleaning thing etc - kind of the opposite lol) but it's still something that has always just been there throughout my life. mostly i've managed to avoid it, but at times my panic attacks have been embarrassing.

but anyway. my main worry is about next year, living with a bunch of people i don't know, but also that i want to be able to do all the normal university things - go to clubs, parties, drink, befriend roomies etc - and not be held back by this stupid problem.

so i was wondering if anyone who's been through this themselves has any advice or tips about how to handle it?

thanks <3