I went to my brother and sister in law's house for our big family Christmas party today. Felt fine all day, just a bit stuffed from eating all the great food. Then on the way home we stopped to get a few things at Target. I didn't feel well in the store and felt a little better when we left. I was fine when we got home. I cleaned up some of my son's toys to make room for all the new ones he got. Then I made him some mac and cheese for dinner. He didn't finish it so I ate it. I took two bites and literally instantly got nauseated. Then stomach pain. Very bad upper stomach pain. Ugghhhh. I don't know. Now I'm lying in bed. I haven't felt like this in a long time. It's really bad.
I haven't eaten in hours other than those few bites of mac and cheese so it's not like it could just be that I'm stuffed still.
I feel like this could be it. My record being broken. But then again, it's been so long, I don't remember what it feels like before. (that's also my biggest fear is that I won't know it's coming and not make it to the bathroom)
ugh sorry. This is just very painful and scary.