Hello! I am a severe sufferer of this unfortunate phobia (what phobia isn't unfortunate?!) and though I am no where near 100% I am taking one day at a time and am determined to rise above this. Therefore, I ordered Emetophobia Recovery System and have also been attending counseling sessions (with a woman that is fitting for me and this phobia). I write this because I was a little skeptical of ordering something online that was suppose to "cure" me. Though you should not plan on a magical cure, I find the ERS. to be great! It is honest, informative, and is what it is and they break it down very simple to help you understand. Though I am still afraid, I do notice that my thoughts are different and therefore I feel a little more in control of my anxiety. I self talk much better now and I owe a LARGE amount to my counselor and am loving this ERS thus far. Just wanted to put it out there since I know anyone suffering from such a thing will do ANYTHING to break free from anxiety and live life as it was meant to be lived.