Hi there. I am so happy to find this site. I really feel like I am nutball for being so scared of this. I have always been squeamish about v*ting but it really ramped up when I was pg 4 years ago. I am ESPECIALLY terrified of my son (almost 4) getting sick and me getting it too. In fact, my son got sick 4 times today at his dads house and I have been freaking out . I have the flu myself (cold type symptoms) but I am actually refusing to have my son come to my house tomorrow out of fear.

I feel like my fear of v*t is going to start to affect my abiliy to be a good mom. I mean, moms clean up their kids when they are sick, they run TO their kids, not FROM them. I feel so guilty and it is even worse that none of my friends have this and my family doesn't get it. I am so ashamed and feel like a horrible person.

I am a really excellent mother in every way. I work with kids (teens) and do really well in most other areas. But this phobia is ruining my life and my self esteen.

Sorry for just throwing this all out there. I am new and I have kept this shame inside for 33 years and I am happy to have found this site. I can hardly contain myself. I am really looking forward to getting my phobia under control through helping others as well and hope I am welcome here!