Hi, Im Tori and Im 16 i was diagnosed with something called IBS , Im ALWAYS n** and i dont know what to do. Since im always n** I dont like to go to resturants or really anywhere where there are lots of people because im scared to v**. Whenever i went somewhere i would sit in the bathroom for hours to make sure if i did v** that i didnt do it in public. Its been like this for about 2 years now and its so hard! especially because my mom just doesnt seem to get it at all! She says "Ive had phobias all you have to do is say Im not going to be scared" Ive said that over and over before and im sure many of you have to and it does nothing. She think shes knows it all and we'll end up in screaming matches, she tells me I dont want to get better because i dont listen to her, but she has no clue at all what Im going through, this is so hard for me, everyday to just wake up and wish someone doesnt beg me to go out to eat or something. Ive had emetophobia ever since I was little but it mostly only affacted me when I got sick or someone else did, I use to go out to resturants and everywhere, and I want to do that and eat without being scared of V**! I need to over come emetophobia but for now what should I do!?! HELP!