i have suffered emetophobia for a long time, and before three weeks ago the last time i threw up was eight years ago.
three weeks ago i threw and it was actually the most painful night of my life, it was truly horrible i couldn't stop hyperventilating and crying for ages after it happened.
just today, i started eating "junk" food again and i thought it would be fine because it was a while since i was sick.
but i feel so sick right now, its almost 4.30am and i can't sleep due to both feeling extremely ill and i am absolutely petrified that i might have to relive my worst nightmare.
i have tried sleeping and just relaxing but thats not helping, i even tried sleeping next to the toilet (that was the only place i managed to get some sleep last time) but nothing is helping now.

i don't know what to do can you help me?
i am also concerned that most of this nausea is coming from the thought of me being sick again which is making it worse?