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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    In Recovery

    Smile A Challenge To Everyone

    In an effort to encourage everyone to recover, I am putting the challenge out there to everyone who reads this to take a holiday from emetophobia today. Let's declare today "Official Emetophobia-Free Day".

    How might we do this? Well, everyone will "celebrate" this "holiday" a little differently. But what if we all behave, as best as we can, just for today like we are NOT emetophobic? Most people can do just about anything for just one day, right? So think about what your day would be like, what you would do, what you would think if, just for today, you weren't emetophobic. .. and then do THAT, to the best of your ability. You don't have to be perfect. You just have to TRY and give it your very best - just for today.

    If you're willing to give this a try, post here how your emetophobia-free day is going!

    Good luck everyone! We can do this! We are all - each and every one of us - stronger than emetophobia is!
    Last edited by ButterfliesInHerEyes; 01-26-2011 at 08:02 AM.



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