I know panic attacks don't have to be full on, hyperventilating, passing out, freak outs, but I feel like I may be having multiple, minor panic attacks a day.

When I'm at school, if someone says "My stomach hurts" or something along the line of that, I immediately think "They're sick and I'm going to get it". And at a high school, I hear that a LOT. Whenever someone says something like that though, the thought of me getting whatever they probably don't have makes me dizzy, I lose focus on anything (usually a class) and I start to think about how horrible it would be if I got the stomach flu. Sometimes I start to shake and I get nauseous, but I don't really show it and after 15-30 seconds I get over it and talk myself out of it. I tell myself they probably aren't sick (unless they keep complaining or really look like they're going to be sick).

Again, I do that like 2-4 times a day usually... are those panic attacks?