So... the short version...

I've felt pretty much like crap all week. Sore throat, horrible migraines, can't stop sleeping, etc... and I got called in to work on Thursday for a coworker who was ill. When I woke up Thursday morning I felt terrible, but went to work anyway because I knew there'd be no one there if I didn't. When I got there my head was splitting and apparently I looked like hell (I get really dizzy with headaches)... one of my coworkers said I was as white as my shirt... lol... I guess I was pretty pale.

Well my manager and my best friend, Scot,who works there were standing with me and we were talking andScot told my manager, poor Rache doesn't feel good today and my manager asked if I was okay and what was wrong so I said "I don't know... I think I have a touch of the flu (meaning influenza) and I prob. caught it from G", (the woman who'd called in that had been coughing and felthorribleon Tuesday). Well when I said that Scot backed up a few feet and I told him not to worry I was trying not to breathe on anyone.

So we went on working and were folding shirts and I went to get a drink of water and Scot, who I'd noticedstill wouldn't come reallycloseasked how I was and I said "I just don't feel good." He then got this serious, concernedlook on his face and said "Aw... you haven't been throwing up have you?" Just like I would do to someone else! I of course said "no, my head just hurts really bad and my throat's sore", but I was thinking... who would really come to work if they were!!! Lol.

So after that he would come close and talk to me and didn't seem as concerned, again, how I would be with someone else. I'm not sure... I know he said he's a "sympathetic puker" (meaning if someone else gets sick it makes him ill), but he's never talked of being afraid of it... makes me wonder!

What do you guys think??

P.S. I think I figured out what was wrong with me... the weather's been changing something awful here and I might have a sinus infection (hence the nose and throat pain and sinus pressure) And also, last week I knocked my curtain rod down (don't ask how!) on my neck and headand I think I may have gotten a concusion and that's what was causing my headache/sleepiness. Who knows... butI wish people would stop using the word "flu" to mean a stomach illness when it means influenza aka; respiratory ailment... it would clear up a lot!