A key factor to my bouts of moderate to severe emetophobia is anxiety and depression. On a good day, I'm still concerned about vomiting but I don't obsess over it nor does it control my life.

Winter, primarily January and the first few weeks of February, are the worst for me. With the holidays over, my festive spirit is now packed away with the Christmas decorations. I love the outdoors and our chilly winter weather doesn't allow for much outdoor fun, especially since I hate the cold weather - so skiing is out. Staying couped up indoors drives me stir-crazy and this January we've averaged a snowstorm a week leaving me stuck at home.

One other factor that is making me very anxious is current events going on in the World. During the past year, I've had to cut back because of the recession and for a while, I thought worried about losing my job due to lack of business. Riots and protests throughout the world, nuclear arms, terrorism, etc. Turning off the depressing news isn't a problem for me since I don't watch it anyway. But I just can't avoid hearing it at work, in the gym, and everywhere since people are talking.

Then to make it worse, my doctor reminded me that norovirus is going around too.