I'm 18 years old, for the longest time I have feared the act of V*
I didn't know why, but I just did. My mother, brother and sisters are also the same way.
Considering I never met anyone else with this issue, I though my whole family (including myself) We're freaks (I don't mean to sound offensive). But one day I came across a phobia website, and emetophobia was 5th on the top ten list, I researched more into it and discovered this website.
I have been relieved that I'm not the only one, I would love to hear all your opinions, stories and possibly advice regarding the subject. I'm so happy I can talk to people about this
Sadly, I have huge anxiety issues as well, (they probably come together though)
Right now i'm JUST getting over a flu, it has been horrible, worrying and scary.
I'm JUST starting to try eating again, but it's been four days and I've avoided eating because I'm to scared of the consequences :S