
Well, this week Ive had a reasonably good week as far as the emet goes, but today I went trampolining and was talking to a girl there for about an hour. Towards the end of the session she decided to tell me how her stomach was doing somersaults and how sick she felt. Now im really worried that maybe she has a stomach bug and that im going to get it. I have tried to tell myself a million of reasons why she may have felt that way, as i know i often feel sick but hardly ever have a bug but its not working and im worried. How easy is it to catch bugs through the air when standing relatively close to someone, or for example, she put her hands on the trampoline, so did i, then i touched my hair and my hair went in my mouth, so could i catch it this way. (i also have obssessive-compulsive disorder so have a tendency to over analyse everything).

I am supposed to be working on my dissertation but i just cant focus as im so scared im going to get ill. when i got home i had a really hot shower and changed all my clothes. i dont know what to do to stop feeling like this, im worried i may end up having an asthma attack if i get too worked up as i can already feel my chest tightening.