I'm really only curious, because there's a few things I avoid now because of emet, or experiences with it, even if I loved it before! Is there anything specific you guys avoid, or no longer like, because of your emet or anything like that?

For me, I used to love rare steak, but as my phobia got worse and worse I had to develop a taste for well done. [I still like a tiny strip of pink, for a reason i'll mention below] I also avoid oysters, mussels and clams that aren't fried very well. I'm also very picky about the places I eat chicken from, and I avoid salad bars and buffets as much as possible. I love sushi, and I used to be perfectly fine eating the raw stuff, but lately my phobia has been getting a bit worse so i've been avoiding it.

But I CANNOT stomach red onions, black olives and uncooked spinach anymore. I LOVED both, but I had an sv* recently, after going to a salad bar, where I loaded up a spinach salad with black olives and red onions. I'll just say that the tastes no longer appeal to me. At all.

They also overcooked my steak there, so very well done steak now repulses me.

this is more of a gross out thing, than a paranoia thing, I think, but the oysters and the like are all from paranoia.

Also, I have 'safe foods' when I go out to certain places I frequent. Not because I'm afraid to try other things, but because these have never failed me. Mostly its turkey sandwiches, I find them so safe for some reason, lol.