Ive been emeto as long as i can remember. Growing up i had a stomach condition the doctors couldn't really figure out that would cause me to feel nauseous a lot! but never actually v**. Eventually they figured out it was a combo of acid reflux disease and slow stomach emptying, The stomach emptying slow would cause excess bile which in turn cause my heartburn.Surgery was performed when i was in sixth grade and it was going well for a while until i reached high school. By my senior year it was back to the doctor with little to no results once again. My GI tried twice to do an endoscopy but i wouldn't let them inject me with any sedatives because i would get panic attacks from fear of being nauseated by the sedation. My GI came to the conclusion i have post traumatic stress and reccomended i see a therapist. This hasn't happened yet and im currently simply trying to deal with my regular nausea and feel like im losing the battle. It's really tough. Has anybody else experienced something like this? Feel like you've done all you can do and that's it?