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    Default Im sorry! But i'm feeling weirdly nauseated

    Basically the title says it all but i had no one to turn to exept God and this blog. I'm sort of sick with the flu or just the common cold, My throat slightly hurts (but for some reason last night, my throat felt so terrible but today all of a sudden it was okay. I didn't take any medicine or anything) and everytime i swallow i feel weird... i don't know how to explain but it makes me a little n*. Oh, and a question, has anyone thought about if they might faint after throwing up due to the fear? That scares me....

    What's going on? Why do i feel so n*? I don't think i've felt THIS kind of n* before... it's weird...
    Oh, and i feel like i'm gonna pass out or something.. I've been on the computer all day maybe it's because of that? I'm not sure but im worried ):
    Last edited by sophiee; 03-07-2011 at 03:07 AM. Reason: I missed some information, Sorry!
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