My 4 kids and my husband and I have had this weird stomach virus/sinus cold three times and it won't go away!! We keep catching the same thing over and over and quite honestly I feel like walking out of here until everyone is better. I've never been so traumatized in my life I don't know why it is we keep catching it. Maybe a different strain? My son keeps coming home with it from Kindergarten. The first time I v** and so did my kids and the other two times I didn't but had n** and one of my kids did. The problem is because we're on a sceptic system and I can't use any bleach whatsoever or it could ruin the sceptic tank!! How do I kill the germs?? Everytime we feel like we're getting better I start to panic and think it's coming back. Everyone on my Facebook seems to have the same thing too and some have reported they're on their third round from it. How do I get rid of this. HELP!!!