Hello all! Nice to be among people who get it.

I developed emet. after my daughter got sick with Rotavirus 4 years ago. It's been a daily struggle ever since. I now have a newborn (love him, but a total accident, as I never thought I could knowingly have another germy little critter around the house) and he had to get his vaccinations last week. One of them was Rotateq. I went back and forth and back and forth. On the one hand, I know it's a great way to help my son avoid getting my worst enemy. On the other hand, it's a live virus and I knew he would shed for weeks. I had him get it, but now I'm a mess. I use gloves for all changes, obviously, with extreme handwashing after. I have germicidal Clorox wipes (the hospital grade ones) for surfaces and Lysol. But he's spitty. He drools and shoves his hands in his mouth and all that. I know some of the virus is probably in his saliva, but I can't find specific info about just how contagious it is. Anyway, it's been a week and I have at least another week of this because it can shed for at least 15 days (maybe more? have they just not tested?). I could use some support. Has anyone else gone through this with a child? Did it work out for you? Were you a mess? Did anyone get s**k?

Thanks in advance for any responses.