Hello everyone im new to the forum. My names denzel and im a 28 yr old male. i just stumbled across this forum. Im literally sittin here crying rite now because for the first time since i was a little kid i feel like im not alone and there may be some hope for me to still have a normal life. Pretty much as far back as i can remember i have been affraid of throwing up/gettin sick. It has completey consumed my entire life. I didnt graduate highschool, got my ged tho. Ive only had a few jobs, none lasted very long. i still live home with dad. I could leave but im affraid to because of gettin sick. i live almost every moment of my life in fear. Ive thought of so many different things over the years that could be wrong with me from depression to ocd to ibs but at the end of it all i always knew that it all came down to my fear of gettin sick and throwing up. I have never been diagnosed with anything mostly due to the fact that im affraid to go to doctors/hospitals. i only go if i absolutey have to. i barely even leave my house. A few months ago everyone in my house had a 24 hour stomache virus, it was worse for me then the rest, i threw up for 17 hours straight and ended up in the hospital over night. ive always eatin very lil, friends say i eat like a bird. but now it got worse and i have no appetite, last night was the first time i ate in 3 days. I started reading a little on this forum and i have almost every single symptom of this, severe panic attacks, stomache issues im sure you all know the list goes on....ok i could go on and on but i feel like im writing to much now im just very happy i found this forum. i would like to thank who ever started and maintains it. hopefully i can find some sort of help and possibly start a real life.