So I haven't been on for a while since I was so busy with school. Since my last episode of panic attacks in October, I've really decided to start praying and grab this thing by the horns. I'm so sick and tired of it. And since then I've:

1. Eaten out, and not just anywhere...a SUSHI place!
2. Gone back to college, I have straight A's too. (never expected that)
3. Slept without my anti-emet meds right by my bed
-And slept in my own bed without the lights on or without someone there.
4. Got off of all of my anxiety medicines.
5. Gotten better at yoga.

My mother just recently suffered a very, very mild heart attack and has to get stenting done in a city two hours away and it'd be for a whole 2 days. She asked me to please stay home and take care of the dog because she's terrified of the dog getting hurt at the kennel. (moms huh?). This is the big one! I'm afraid of getting sick when no one is home with me in case of choking, passing out, or whatever. BUT...for my mother, I'm determined. I guess I just needed to get that out and say that yes I'm nervous about it. Any suggestions or wise words?