Last night I ate bad mozzarella. It was on fries and I was dipping it so to me it tasted fine.. I went to sleep at my boyfriends house and about an hour later I woke up feeling like I was going to have D* (number 2). As I was son the toilet, nothing was happening and then the N* came on fast and strong. I got up and just leaned over the sink and basically waited. I kept feeling the movement in my stomach and chest like something terrible was about to happen...
normally when this happens I'm at home and I wake up my mom and she helps me (I'm 22 but I'm a baby when it comes to this) but I wasn't home and my boyfriend wakes up at 5am so I could bother him...
My heart was pounding and I was trembling, and my mouth was dry, but I just told myself to breath and calm down and relax. I just kept thinking, if it happens it happens, ill be fine and I actually did calm down. I almost wanted it to happen just to prove to myself I'd be ok. I just waited and eventually the feeling subsided and when I was able to drive I went home. I made it through that ordeal. I did wake up my mom but I was so proud of myself for being able to handle that all by myself.
I think that's the key... I just tried to think rationally, and it worked.