So, I turned thirteen on Monday, which symbolizes my tenth year of no vomiting! I honestly don't understand how I've gone so long without it happening; before, I was never really afraid or worried about vomiting, only of others vomiting. I hated the sound and everything. But over the past summer, it turned into a fear of me vomiting. I mean I always dreaded it before but it wasn't taking over my life or anything near that.

The stomach flu has circulated around my home several times, and I used to only have ONE bathroom, and my bedroom was right beside it. I never caught anything from anyone else, except from preschool when I was about two and a half. And, when I was sick, I only vomited once, sort of spat up, then I was fine and back to normal. I was running around the next day, but it was DEFINITELY a stomach virus because my whole family proceeded to catch it after.

I find it amusing that children are supposedly prone to vomiting, as I've vomited about three times, four at the most, under the age of four, and only contracted one virus (knock on wood,). I don't know, maybe that's something to reassure you parents if you're worried about your children catching things. Before I was full blown emet, I was NOT a frequent hand washer or anything like that- I was a typical child I'd say. No OCD tendencies or anything. Also, I have no gag reflex, I wonder if that has anything to do with anything.

Just thought I'd share- ten years is a good mark. I hope I can go another ten years.
