Along with this torturing phobia I also suffer with (at times) severe anxiety along with anxiety attacks. I can be having a good time and enjoying myself then all of a sudden i'll become dizzy and feel as though i'm not in my own body which sets me into full on panic mode and makes me feel as though i'm going to vomit, and it petrifies me. Overall, my main anxiety symptoms can include; dull aches in my stomach/actual pain which can go into my ribs, headaches, lack of energy (which occurs a lot), sleepyness, tight feeling in my chest and shaking. I often get worried though that these symptoms are maybe linked in with something more serious perhaps and I get these awful senarios in my head that make me think i'm going to die.. I know that sounds quite extreme but it's the way I feel, a lot.

I just wanted to ask, anyone else on here who also suffers with anxiety, what symptoms do you get, how often do you get them & what for you personally brings on an anxiety attack? If anything at all.