I really don't know if i have emetophobia or agoraphobia (fear of crowded wide-open spaces and fear of being sick/having a panic attack in front of others and in a place where I can't easily escape) or a mix of both.

After two years of not going to school, I am going back in a few days from now (May 25) and it's making me nervous. I don't want to end up dropping out again because of giving up and not wanting to face this phobia of mine.

To be honest, I haven't vomited in more than 10 years I think. Last time I vomited was in 2001 when I had severe UTI. When I'm in a classroom, I have to sit at the back or near the exit to help me feel better. But when I feel a panic attack coming along, rapid heartbeat/dizziness/nausea I try to calm down and hold it in for as long as I can, and the only point when I leave is when I think I'm about to vomit. I feel better within a few minutes outside the room usually and if I get fresh air. What I hate about vomiting is the feeling that I can't breathe, choking, and how it's constantly coming out of my throat and I don't know when it will stop. I also dread the embarassment of vomiting in front of others. I don't necessarily have a fear of reading about it or seeing someone else throw up in a movie or in real life, it makes me feel a little sick, but it's manageable.

I also have a fear of hair salons? I hate it when they put the cover and tie it around my neck. I don't know why, it just makes me anxious. The feeling of being choked -> hard to swallow -> hard to breathe = nausea
so everytime I get a haircut, I have to go with someone and I have to tell them that I don't want any cover or anything around my neck.

I also dread flying or getting sick on a plane. When I am on a plane, I try to do everything I possibly can to not throw up. I take anti-nausea tabs before the flight, try to eat healthy the day before, and when I do feel sick in the plane, I try to get rid of the feeling by drinking water, more nausea tablets, sucking on a lemon, eating a mint, going to the toilet, whatever I can to stop it!

I also hate being down with the flu especially when there's phlegm involved. It just gives you that sick feeling, and you can taste it in your throat. I also don't like when I can't breathe properly or choke because of the phlegm, and when it doesn't come out or gets stuck when I try to cough it up - that makes me feel like you know what. so I try to chug down as much water as I can to bring it back down.

Please help me. I'm thinking of trying EFT the emotional freedom technique to get rid of this fear. Is there anything else I can try?