I'm 19 years old, and I've always been fairly afraid of throwing up, but it's only very recently that I've considered the fact that I might have this phobia.

My boyfriend recently was sick from drinking too much. It wasn't even that bad of an ordeal, he just felt sick, threw up a few times and was OK for the rest of the night. I love him very much, and I stayed with him the whole time, but now I just feel like a mess. I just keep picturing the whole thing happening and it makes me so, so miserable. I can't understand why I feel this way. Most people just deal with these unpleasant things and then move on with their lives, but I cant stop letting it haunt me. I feel so terrible and so upset. I've been on the verge of tears for three days now, and I just can't get the whole experience out of my head. Just the sounds and the smell and the fact that he was so sick...The worst thing is, my boyfriend is usually the person I go to when I'm upset, but I don't want to make him feel bad, so I've been pretending I'm fine. I'm really not fine. I'm so upset I don't know what to do. I'm even angry at him for being so foolish as to loose control like that, and leaving me to suffer when he can just move on, and I know that that's just terrible, because he didn't mean to. But now, what's happened has happened and he's moved on and I'm left feeling rotten and alone.

Please, does anyone have any tips on how to make this feeling go away? I know there's no simple cure, but I need to go on living my life and I feel like this ordeal is haunting me and standing in my way. Does anybody have coping mechanisms they can share with me to help me get over this incident? Or just some words of wisdom? I'm so scared and ashamed, I just want to die.