Is anyone else agoraphobic because of emetophobia? I'm not housebound but I am areabound.

Yesterday I missed my neice's wedding because the location was WAY past my comfort zone. I had said that I would go because when I received the invitation I was feeling pretty good and confident that I could push through my issues in order to be there for my neice. But when the day came, emetophobia won again. I called my sister to apologize, but even though my family has known for the whole 26 years that I've beenn emetophobic/agoraphobic, I still get the cold shoulder when I can't make it to things like family weddings. Had the location been closer, I would have gone. But, obviously, they chose what location suits them, not me.

As I said, I did call to apologize. I'm not sure what more to do or even if I should do anything more at this point. Do I apologize again? Do I let it go and hope my sister, neice and the whole family get over it? I am so tired of having to apologize profusely for a medical condition that is for the most part out of my control. My sister has rheumatoid arthritis, a physical condition that is very visible when one looks at her joints... she never has to apologize and nobody ever gives her the cold shoulder when she can't, for example, participate in a family hike in the woods. Everyone knows it's painful for her to be on her feet and walk for any length of time, so they leave her alone. But because my "illness" is invisible, I'm made to feel, each and every time, like it's not legitimate even though my agoraphobia/emetophobia is much more debiliatating than her arthritis.

Maybe I am being selfish and just feeling sorry for myself, I don't know. Okay, I'll stop ranting. Thanks for "listening". It helps to get it off my chest.