Hey everyone -

What a lovely day it is! Nothing has gone wrong today...

I was haven't a bit of a think about the past and I got my diary out the closet, dated 2000! I thought it would be lovely to see what I thought back then... clearly I thought I could do anything, and really wasn't prepared for what was going to happen in my life.
All the funny things that have happened, have helped towards what I have become today.

Anyways, there was a question in the front of this diary. A question that we have all heard a thousand times before.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Next to this I wrote I wanted to be a painter and I wanted to work with animals (as a vet)...

I can also remember wanting to be:
- a painter (wanted everything to be pink... yikes)
- a teacher (loved to make the register)
- a dolphine trainer (was 8 and went to a sea life thing)
- a gardener (love the flowers)
- a model (watched victoria's secret... what can I say! Wow, I wanted to be like that)
- an interior designer (I love colours... and have always liked to show people what to do... hehe)

Now I am a computer programmer for a company called Esec in Switzerland... Wow how things change.
It's the best thing I could ever have dreamed of becoming now I think about it.

What did you dream of being when you were growing up?

Take care