[img]smileys/smilies_27.gif[/img]I am just wondering if I can get any reassuring tips from any moms out there, see my 3 yr old had a bug on tuesday for the 8th time in her 3 years of life. I feel like such a coward. Plus it really sucks that she wakes up in the morning with it, so I am alone all day to take care of her, but my MIL takes my 2 little kids on tues and thurs and she took her Thank God!!! It really wasnt a bad bug but she caught it from her cousin who had had it from her brother. So yesterday I am at the mall and my cell rings and I panicked because it was the school ( I have a 10yr old daughter also) She said she felt sick. OMG I started shaking uncontrollably in Old Navy, I had to leave. Told her to have the nurse give her tums and lie down for a while. Could not get ahold of myself. I came home and 5 min later she called again~ she wants to come home, again I froze, I could not get myself to leave the house to get her so I took 2 Xanax pills, I think in the back of my mind was this~ OK she must be getting this bug, she just must be!! And I guess I was hoping that if I stalled long enough and she was to get sick then she would at school and be done with it since it was before lunch time and she didnt have much food in her system. But I ppicked her up. I felt so crippled, so helpless. But guess what? nothing she was fine. I was very grateful, although she was quite pissed at me for not letting her eat until dinner~ which was some toast! I felt awful about the whole thing, mad at myself for getting this way and letting emet consume every aspect of my life. Does anyone else feel kinda of a false sense of security with "close calls"?

meaning, it didnt happen this time but next time might be "the time". I just feel like I am living my life trying to avoid the enevedible, and its not always going to be like that.Can anyone give me some sort of advice? Im tired of my hellish life that I live. Do any mothers dread the nightime? You always wonder who will wake up in the night sick? you hear someone rolling around in bed and it scares you? I do, plus tons of other crap that would take all day to type. I would love to hear any responses to this post. Thanks so much and I look forward to hearing from you