anyone who has children..your advice would be greatly appreciated here.
As most of you know, I babysit for two lovely kids; Harriet 6, and William 2.
I can handle Harriet pretty well..(aside from the obvious problem i might face) by that, i mean i can reason with her, and if necessary, take care of her fine..
but im struggling with William..
The other night, he was really grizzly following Harriets' birthday party..he wouldn't get to sleep, and was crying an awful lot, after bouncing on his cot and throwing out his covers.
Now this will sound around 8o'clock, William was still in tears, completely clinging to the bars of his cot.. when i tried to move him, he was really insistant on staying put..i felt like such an idiot for being offended by a two-year old! I tried reasoning with him, but i wasn't sure how much he understood..exactly how much can a two-year old understand?
I was reluctant to pick him up, because his parents don't usually resort to this, and i thought it may unsettle him even more..
I guess my main questions are; what does it usually take for a two year old to "need" picking up..and how much do they actually understand? I don't know what the best way to handle him is either (ie. when he clings to his cot) what would be the best way to deal with it?