These are all so interesting to read, and some very very moving and upsetting

For me, around the age of 9/10 I kind of worked out somehow that my parents were splitting up, which at first they denied but then later admitted, asking me to keep it from my 3 brothers for a number of months before they told them a few days after Christmas. The breakup of my parents was the decline in the relationship between me and my dad.

Also, I started having black outs and fainting quite a lot, and the first time it happened was at school. My eyes went fuzzy "like a tv screen" as I had explained to the nurse and the same thing also happened the last time I v* aged 11. The eye thing. Anyway, I had lots of tests to see what was wrong but they couldn't find anything major. They said I was pretty underweight though and I had to eat 2 biscuits 30 minutes before I went to bed.

This is sparking lots of memories for me.. I remember when I was 5, I was invited for my first sleepover at my friends house. We had been out for dinner for her birthday and I had got home and into some of her spare pjs before changing my mind and crying to be taken home. For years, I could never stay at people's houses - probably till about 11/12.

Around the age of 9 ish again, this is when i recall my first ritualistic behaviour concerning anxiety and emetophobia. I had to sleep with the "sick bowl" by my bed every night, it couldn't be under the bed, it had to be right at the side of my bed. I also couldnt sleep with my pyjama top on, I have no idea why. Although now, no matter what time of year, I have to wear sleeveless pj tops, like tank tops. Weird huh, how our brain works as other people have said?!

And the last time I v* was aged 11, the day after a school trip to a zoo I think. I remember blaming it on an ice lolly I had eaten on the school trip, no idea why I thought that.

Great idea for a post btw sage