I'm trying to stay as calm as possible on the outside, but on the inside I feel like I'm going crazy. I do live in a college dorm (terrified for when flu season starts coming around), but I do live 2 hrs away and can't afford an apt. or anything so it was really my only option. I have been dreading the day when one of my roommates would get sick (there's 3 of us, 2 in one room and 1 in another with a joining bathroom), and it finally came...like a week into the semester of course I know she's on the tennis team, it's that time of the month, super stressed, and I think she can go out drinking...i don't know, she was out last night.
But, I know she did say she's been throwing up all day () and trying to get a hold of the doctors office and they called her during tennis practice (obviously she went then), so she couldn't answer to get back to them.
I don't know what to think really. Whenever I get panicked around sick people I can't even eat out of fear I'll be next. This time I'm kind of afraid to use the bathroom too haha. Maybe I'll try to find another one somewhere on campus.
Any ideas on this?
Should I be worried? Careful? Wait and see?
I get terrible panic attacks.

Also, sorry this is soooo long. I can go a little detail crazy.