I know a lot of people on this site have boyfriends/girlfiends or partners, so I wanted to ask a few questions. I don't have a boyfriend. I've onl ever had one, and it wasn't serious as I was only 16 at the time. Anyway, one day I'd spent the whole day with this guy -eating with him, holding hands, kissing etc, and then he rang me up in the evening to tell me he felt really ill and had v***** several times. This totally freaked me out, the thought of having shared food and saliva with this guy who now had a sickness bug just totally petrified me. Since then, I have never been able to have a boyfriend, becuse I'm scared that the same thing will happen. There's no way I could ever hold hands with someone and kiss someone who might get ill and pass it onto me. I completely isolate myself from people all the time. I don't know what to do. I can't go through life never having a boyfriend because I'm scared of catching something from him. I'm so worried about this! Does anybody have the same problem??