I just want to know if I'm the only one who does this:

You KNOW that eating at a certain fast food place will probably make
you feel gross later, but your stomach is feeling just fine at the
time, and you're hungry, and that cheeseburger would just taste SO
good... So you eat it. And an hour or two later, you're sitting in
front of your computer with a bottle of Tums on one side of you and a
bottle of Pepto on the other, reading these forums and trying to remind
yourself that it's just indigestion.

Please tell me that I'm not the only bad food decision maker in the group? Heh

Also, do any of you mistake other stomach things (like gas or
indigestion or heartburn) for n*? Sometimes it seems like the slightest
little nudge of anything in my stomach area triggers the "I'm n*" part
of my brain... And even though the rational side of me is saying "It's
just heartburn", the phobic side of me is insisting that I'm n*.

Just curious!