So it's 1:52am. I have school tommorow and I'm afraid to fall asleep because I feel bad. (please excuse spelling, Im on my iPod) the last thing I ate today was a sanwhich (turkey pastrami,lettuce, mayo, jellied cranberry, and provolone cheese) around 8pm ish. I did eat it kinda fast/awkwardly ( I have nervous issues on eating sometimes) but felt fine. It wasn't until a while after I got kinda gasy and my stomach started to hurt a bit. The pastrami was heavily spiced and I could taste it when I burp up until 20 mins ago. Everything was fresh and I made the sandwhich myself.
Since I was feeling bad I'm forcing myself to stay up. I started to get reflux a while ago and took a tums. Now I have a HORRIBLE throbbing/sharp pain headache on both sides of my head. I just took some kiddie Tylenol so I'll see if it helps.

Could the be fp?? D:
I just kinda got over panicking but I know it'll cone back..I'm thinking it could just be a combo of me not getting enough sleep over the weekend and I had one coffee n like zero water all day, and school stress... -sigh- I really hate feeling like this.... Now my stomach n throat are kkinda burinf from the acteominaphin....