I just stumbled on this site tonight and it is SO me!!!! Never knew there was a name for my fear of the 'v' word. Maybe some one can give me some pointers on this. Luckily my husband only travels for work a few times a year. I have a 9, 6 and two year old. I'm all ready freaking out about my husbands trip in February...hello..it's 5 months from now! My ONLY fear is the kids getting sick or me getting sick. I always feel if one gets it by the weeks end we'd all have it. That did happen this past February. We survived....but I could still tell you the dates it happened. I can't seem to move on. My husband left yesterday for a 3 day trip. My youngest was sick all day two days before he left. I've been watching the other two like a hawk...seeing what they're eating, if thery're eating......I don't want them turning into a worry wart like me. I can't control it...even when I tell myself it's not death...life will go on. The thing is I don't fear death....I fear the aweful, aweful feeling you have before you get sick. Then the noise/smell/sight put me WAY over the top. I'm also one that will put a pot over the cat 'v' for my hisband when he gets home. I'm doing my best to work on that one...I have succeeded in cleaning it a few times...have to be in the right mind set. Sorry to ramble, for those who have children how do you handle a sick child alone???? I feel like I'm scarring my kids when it comes to this.