Do you think some of us have a sixth sence... or pyscic ( sp) ability..

My grandmother was always known for her premonitions... and fortune telling, she was an incredible lady. Ive been to a fortune teller who said I am alot like an older woman in my life ( I think she means my grandmother) and quite pyscic myself. Im not sure I believe this, but strange things do happen to me sometimes.

Like, just certain feelings. you know, that coincidemce that was too crazy to be a coincidence...

my grandmother has always told me It is bad luck to see one crow by itself. In the summer, I was driving along when we hit a crow. the only animal i have EVER hit. I felt so bad and got this funny feeling about it. 3 days later, I was involved in a car accident, I was this close--- from being killed. ( i was driving). the ONLY accident I have ever been in. creepy dont you think!

Does anyone have a story like this... I find it so facinationg!