I'm normally a pretty small person to begin with, but recently my fear has gotten really bad to the point where I'm not or barely eating. It's been since June that I've been scared to eat, and when I do, it's only a little bit, and if I have left overs I always say I'll heat it up later, or the next day but I never do for fear of getting s*. My anxiety in general has gotten pretty bad over the summer, and I'm not sure why, or what to do about it.
But every time I eat, I get scared that it made me s*, and sometimes I have symptoms, but I never actually get s*. My friend says it's my body reacting out of hunger/starvation. But, I started to get really worried two weeks ago when I almost fainted going to my car for lack of eating. Ever since then, I've felt very faint every day unless I eat as soon as I wake up. Today, I finally decided to weigh myself, and I only weigh 97lbs. Normally, I weight anywhere between 110 and 115. My mom says I look anorexic. In my opinion, emetophobia is sort of like an eating disorder, because the thought of eating scares me. But unlike something like anorexia, it's not because I think I'm fat, it's because I'm afraid to get s* or v*. I've been trying to do better about eating, but I can't seem to do good enough. I've had some scary moments that feel like starvation. I'm tired of being this way, and I really want to get over this, eat, and be healthy again (because it's not healthy to be 97lbs). Help! What should I do?