I'm in pharmacology and I've been having problems sitting through the entire class lecture (especially when it's very crowded). I sit in the very back far corner, furthest away from the door. I feel so trapped in that corner but the seats are all full and I can't move until someone drops the class. I usually get panic attacks and I stick it out most the time but last week it got so bad I walked out.

Today I walk in and it's a test day, a girl was sitting in my seat. I just decided to sit in her seat since she took mine. Her seat was in front of mine, she says "oh you might want to move to another seat further away." I asked why and she said she had the stomach flu so I instantly got up and moved. She couldn't miss the test (there is no chance to make it up) and surprisingly I wasn't panicking or nervous that someone in the room was sick. I managed to stick it through the whole class until I finished my test. Once I walked out the door I realized she touched that same door handle. I threw away my pencil, and my perfectly good water bottle because I thought they were infected! I washed my hands in the bathroom at school before leaving to my car. I hate this stupid phobia, even though I didn't panic about her being in the room sick I'm feeling like the virus is every where! I feel like the moment I walked out of the class I took the virus home with me. I just hate this stupid phobia and I'm worried about going back to class. This girl was sitting in my seat which I have to go back and sit in tomorrow! I don't want to look insane bringing a spray bottle of bleach to clean my desk but....damn it! I am just venting, I can't stand these irrational thoughts. Nobody else seemed to care she was ill every time someone took a seat next to her they just shrugged it off when she said she's sick. I know she picked my seat to be away from everyone but I feel doomed now.