
Woke up this morning about 10 o clock feeling VERY nauseous, and my mum was in a bad mood thinking I was being lazy getting out of bed cos I had a hair appointment, but as soon as I got upI felt like I was gonna faint/throw up. Took an anti emetic but the waves of nausea were very bad and have only just subsided in the last hour or so. My face was so white and I still feel like I'm gonna faint when I walk around, and my head is banging, and I have the dreaded D*, although thankfully my stomach hasn't really hurt much.

My mum had a violent stomach bug last weekend as I posted on here, and she heard that quite a few other people she works with at the hospital have had it too - some really badly, v* loads (like she did), but others not so badly, just feeling sick etc. I think I've got it but so far it seems like I'm in the not-so-badly bracket as I would have been sick by now and had very bad pains in my stomach. However I still can't face eating anything, or drinking anything but peppermint tea, and every now and then I get a sharp twinge of nausea followed by wanting to lie down, like I'm going to faint. Putting my head between my knees helps but then I feel sicker in that position.

Hopefully I can fight the nausea off, it's worked so far, have my pressure point wrist bands on now. I just feel like I want to sleep but I'm too scared to lie down because I'll feel sicker.

Also annoyed cos I'm meant to be going for a meal tomorrow night, and there's nothing more annoying to not be hungry! Plus I missed my hair appointment. [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]Still, I'm just praying it doesn't get any worse, and that the nausea will go away, but not sure when it will.