Hi everyone, I am having a bad Morning, well Night as well. Last night Hubby cooked Dinner, and after I ate, I felt sooo tired, like I hade taken on of my Sinus Meds, so I went to lie down, I guess that was a bad move, I ended up falling asleep, and when I woke it was to the feeling of Nausea (BAD) so I adjusted the way I was sleeping, and then I felt better, so I fell asleep again, I woke yet again at almost 1:30 AM, feeling Bad again, so I got my heating pad, and just layed still prayed to please take it away, I have a baby(9 months old) and I can not bear for him to be sick over the new yr..Well I am not sure if it was all the praying I did, but it got better. SO this am I woke up feeling ok, just very gasy, and I would Gag alot, but the gagging is not so bad, its kinda like a burp, but since (Dont Laugh) I can not burp this is the next best thing. and it helps, but I just feel really yucky. I ate something, to see if it makes me feel better, and I still feel bloated and yucky. I HATE THIS!!!! I was doing well, I mean some Nausea here and there, but not this annoying as today.. I wish for the new yr u can make just one wish and that would come true..I would wish that all of us would not longer have this fear.. ok I have to get back to wk, I have a whole day here, I hope I get sneak and chat with you all to get me through this..
